Personal Training Rates* depend on which facility you train at (Downtown YMCA or Delaware House in Bay View)
YMCA = 12 x 30-minute sessions for $300 or 6 x 1-hour sessions for $300
Delaware House (only do 1-hour sessions)
1 session = $55
package of 5 x 1-hour sessions = $255
package of 10 x 1-hour sessions = $475
package of 15 x 1-hour sessions = $675
package of 20 x 1-hour sessions = $860
An initial 1-hour consultation is FREE at both facilities.
*Rates are subject to change at anytime.

You can purchase Himalayan salt at The Spice House at The Milwaukee Public Market
If you follow the Paleo Diet way of eating this LINK will help you find plenty of food.
For minor joint pain and inflammation use Traumeel (available at Whole Foods)
Eat more protein. LINK
Fiber is very healthy, but if you've not been getting much fiber then SLOWLY reintroduce it to your diet (don't go from 5g/day to 30g/day overnight). LINK
If it's very hard for you to get out of bed in the morning try to drink a glass of water with a pinch of salt as soon as you wake up. LINK
Is the protein you take contaminated with heavy metals? LINK
Craving chocolate can often be a sign of being deficient in Magnesium. LINK
Try to get 1/2 to 11/2 teaspoons of cinnamon per day. LINK
Find ways to get a little Turmeric, an Indian spice, every day. LINK
Drinking coffee, especially organic, has many health benefits including lowering risks for type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's and colon cancer, just don't let it interfere with sleep, so generally stop drinking it before 4pm. LINK
Navel piercing interferes with the CV8 acupuncture point and may lead to health problems. LINK
Parabens in cosmetics, especially sunblock, mimick estrogen and may be linked to breast cancer so it's wise to look for 100% organic sunblock. LINK
Resveratrol, found in red wine, helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces "bad" cholesterol and prevents blood clots. LINK
Modified citrus pectin has a number of possible health benefits including: decreasing heart disease and cancer progression, removes heavy metals, and may protect against Alzheimer's disease. LINK1 LINK2
If you have Jumper's Knee or want to help prevent future knee issues, add Peterson Step-Ups to your workout. LINK
When doing large movements like squats and deadlifts that require core stability it's generally best to do your abdominal exercises at the end rather than at the beginning of the workout. LINK
Fish oil actually helps you lose bodyfat, especially visceral (belly) fat, by activating lipolytic (fat burning) genes and turning off lipogenic (fat storing) genes. LINK1
You lose water weight while sleeping, so upon waking always drink 1-2 glasses of water to help rehydrate yourself. LINK
"Compared to the bagel eaters, overweight women who ate two eggs for breakfast five times a week for eight weeks as part of a low-fat, reduced-calorie diet, lost 65% more weight, reduced waist circumference by 83%, reported higher energy levels, and had no significant difference in their ... blood cholesterol or triglyceride levels," reports researcher Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, PhD. LINK
The amino acid L-Glutamine has many benefits including help in rebuilding the walls of your intestine. LINK
Limit your exposure to man-made environmental estrogens like: pesticides, plastics, household chemicals and heavy metals. LINK
Thoroughly chew your food to limit stress to your digestive system and release the most nutrients. LINK
Drink 3-5 cups of Green Tea per day. LINK VIDEO
Adding lemon or lime to water will help make you more alkaline, which is a good thing. LINK
Eat breakfast everyday. LINK
Always wash your fruits and vegetables. LINK
To start, take 5-6 grams of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil per day (make sure it is pure with no Mercury or other contaminents). LINK1 LINK2
Eat as organic as you can afford. LINK
Unless you work in the sun all day, you need a Vitamin D3 supplement. LINK
Eat a variety of organic nuts and seeds. LINK
Frozen fruits and vegetables can actually be more nutritious than the ones that are sitting out in the produce section. LINK
Do deep squats. LINK
If the form of magnesium in your mulit-vitamin is magnesium oxide you have a low quality multi-vitamin. LINK
Try to take a sauna 2-3 times per week. LINK
The more you can replace processed carbs (breads, pastas, cakes, etc.) with fruits and vegetables the healthier you’ll be. LINK
Aim for 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day (preferably more: 2 vegetables for every 1 fruit). LINK
For days when you can't get all of your vegetables consider using a Green Drink.
Take a tablespoon of fiber (mixed with ground flax) first thing in the morning and in the evening. LINK
If you eat it, put it in your mouth (toothpaste) or put it on yourself (lotions, deodorant), get the most natural product that has the least man made chemicals. LINK PRODUCT LINK
Use Pyrex (or other glass product) to store food instead of plastics. LINK
Know the good and bad about soy before consuming it. LINK
Contact your local university to see if they need any volunteers for fitness, nutrition or body composition studies. LINK
If you have about $15 and you care about your health, buy Cracking the Metabolic Code
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